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Friday, December 26, 2008

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1.Leash Laws

Creating and enforcing leash laws is one of the easiest ways a city or township can begin reducing the number of unwanted animals. Many cities may have a leash law for dogs, but not one for cats, ferrets or domestic rabbits. In order to be successful, the leash law must be comprehensive and apply to all animals; dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits etc. There needs to be a stiff penalty for people who ignore the law. Having a leash law creates several benefits; it�s easy for animal rescue workers to determine which animals are strays, it prevents unplanned breeding, it keeps pets from roaming so they are not likely to be hit by cars, it prevents dogs from fighting, it reduces the number of cats killed by prey dogs or dog packs, it reduces the spread of disease such as Feline Aides and Leukemia, it helps keep public opinion favorable.
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Hemp Lipbalms

High blood pressure doesn't slow Olympic swimmer - Austin 360

Fri, 12 Dec 2008 21:04:12 GMT

High blood pressure doesn't slow Olympic swimmer
Austin 360, TX - Dec 12, 2008
He also sticks to a low-sodium diet. "Salt makes you retain water, and then your heart has to work harder," he says. "We have worried about it since it was ...

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