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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Did you hear of Health and Nutrition

Health and NutritionCo-Op Healthcare-An Alternative To Traditional Health Insurance

It?s no secret that the rising cost of health insurance is frustrating the American consumer. This fact alone is leaving 45 million Americans uninsured. But what few people know is that there is more than one way to cover your medical expenses. Co-op healthcare benefits serves as an alternative to traditional health insurance with real and comprehensive benefits.

Most of us are familiar with traditional health insurance and we even heard of discount programs but only a small few of us are aware of co-op healthcare. Co-op healthcare is not insurance nor a new concept; in fact it?s the original premise behind traditional health insurance. All fees are collected and held in a health pool and claims are paid from the pool. Over time this basic premise has been overshadowed by heavy-handed underwriting, limitations, exclusions and claim denials. Not to mention the regulatory authorities over the insurance industry.

For years chambers of commerce, small businesses, families and groups of all sizes have been searching for ways to help reduce the rising cost of healthcare. Individuals typically can?t afford traditional health insurance because of costs or pre-existing conditions. Small businesses can?t afford to carry the financial burden of high rates while chambers of commerce have tried for years to work with traditional health insurance companies through coalitions but inevitably fall apart due to ?grouping? qualifications.

What you can typically expect from Co-op Healthcare is a 20-50% less expensive rate over traditional health insurance with no deductibles while dental, vision and chiropractic may be included in every plan.

Co-op healthcare works great for chambers of commerce, individuals and small to midsize businesses because of less expensive rates, comprehensive benefits (including major medical), and no grouping.

Let me warn you though Co-op healthcare is not for everyone, if you work for a large company with excellent benefits and you can afford the rates, by all means, stay with them but if you need better rates and a larger array of benefits try Co-op healthcare.

Robert Reed is a Marketing Director in the healthcare industry, Author and Speaker. You can visit his blog at

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