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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Natural Remedy article

Organic Kelp TopicsFlatulence/Gas

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Mary Hanna has traveled the world by Air and Ship while writing eBooks, Software Reviews and Practical Articles on Internet Marketing, Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at: and
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Flaxseed - Golden Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

Choosing a diet that is reliant upon unprocessed fruits and vegetables can help to cure your acne. You will need no less than five servings of some type of vegetable and one serving of some variety of fruit every day for the diet treatment to work. If you eat a lot of trans fats, you will have to cut them out of your diet. Increase your intake of foods that contain omega-3 oils. Be sure to take in at least eight glasses of water each day with your new diet.

Acne Alternative Treatment 2

Increase your intake of vitamin and nutritional supplements. Taking five thousand international units per day of Vitamin A has been shown in a variety of studies to decrease acne in many people. Zinc can help prevent acne before it starts if taken in mild doses. Vitamin B6 can reduce skin sensitivity and help stop acne breakouts as well.
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Flaxseed - Golden Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

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