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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Health Foods Reviews and information

Health Foods NewsSinus Health

Nutritional Supplements

What do you know about nutritional supplements?
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Sinus Health


And the bottles of these products make many a pretty promise. I�m actually drinking an �Organic Acai Antioxidant Superfood Smoothie� right now that claims it�s sufficient for a meal replacement. Is that true? Well, it sure seems to satisfy my nutritional needs as the Nutrition Facts label shows sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat, potassium and even omega-3 fatty acids! And�actually it�s the only thing I�ve eaten today so far and I don�t think I�m hungry! Maybe this stuff really does work (Don�t try this at home though folks, acai shouldn�t be the only thing you eat all day.)
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Health & Beauty

These people have huge problems getting away from those drugs. They need support networks and strong councelling just to make it through the day.
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Health & Beauty


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