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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

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News on LucumaHemp Lipbalms

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LucumaCalcium and a Healthy Diet.

It is important to understand the place calcium should have in your diet. Even though there have recently there have been several news items outlining the effects of having to little calcium in the average diet; the chances are that most people still don't fully appreciate the effect of calcium on your digestive processes and the working of your heart.

Calcium is one of the basic elements that have got to be there throughout the processing of our food during the digestive process, and during the beating of your heart. If you are suffering from a calcium deficiency in these two areas, then that can contribute to heart disease and osteoporosis where the bones are weakened. If you don't take enough calcium in via your daily diet or with vitamins, your body will start to extract the calcium reserves in your bones, to enable it to have enough to maintain the normal body processes. This is why older women are often susceptible to developing osteoporosis, and many of them don't even realize they are at risk from this debilitating condition. Once the amount of calcium in your blood drops to a low level, the body will start to draw calcium out of the bones. This will result the bones becoming more porous and brittle. This explains the rise in broken hips in older people, especially women.

To be able to absorb calcium into our bones two things are required the female hormone estrogen and exercise (even though estrogen is a female hormone it is present in males as well). As those of use who are somewhat older will know, both of these things are in shorter supply during our later years, mainly because the body doesn't create estrogen after the menopause, and as we get older, we gradually lose the ability to exercise to the same degree.

If you have decided that you want to supplement your calcium levels, there are certain forms of calcium that are more easily digested. The best absorbed type of calcium comes in the form of a pill in the form of calcium salt like calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate.

You do need to be careful about some forms of Calcium on the market today, both bone meal calcium and dolomite calcium have been found to some times contain toxic metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead, and cadmium. Also you may have heard that antacids contain calcium that you can use as a supplement instead of vitamins, this information is quite correct. However, to have any effect you'd have to take a handful of antacids and quite often they contain substances that disrupt the digestive process so it is best not to use them in this way. The best advice to get a supplement to you calcium level is to purchase a good calcium carbonate or phosphate vitamin supplement and establish the regular habit of taking them first thing in the morning with your breakfast.

However one word of warning, if you suffer from heart, kidney, liver disease, or high blood pressure, you must consult a physician before taking calcium supplements because they could result in taking to much calcium because the medicine you're already taking may contain a built in supplement, or may cause a reaction if combined with calcium.

The recommended daily dosage is 800 milligrams of calcium each day. This level is fairly accurate for most women until they are past the menopause and the level of estrogen production is reduced or even stops all together. At that time, calcium intake should be increased to a level of 1500 milligrams per day; almost double that of pre-menopausal women.

By the sensible use of a calcium supplement many experts think that you can help to off set some the problems associated with brittle bones in later life and also maintain a better heart function.


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved a two-part disclaimer must accompany them on the product label: that FDA has not evaluated the statement and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

About the Author

For further information and news about Coral Calcium supplements pay a visit

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Natural RemedyFighting Cancer and The Mediterranean Diet: Seven Points to Ponder


Over the course of the past three decades, a significant number of scientific studies have demonstrated that a person's diet can work to prevent some types of cancer. One diet regimen that appears to have beneficial effects at preventing cancer is the Mediterranean diet plan.

If you are interested in developing health eating routines and want to engage a diet program that can work to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, you should take a look at the Mediterranean diet. In this regard, there are seven points that you should ponder when it comes to the impact of the Mediterranean diet on reducing the risk of cancer.

Seven Points to Ponder: The Mediterranean Diet and Cancer Risks

A Trans-European study undertaken by the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition demonstrated that people who closely adhere to Mediterranean dietary schemes were significantly less likely to succumb to cancer than were people who followed other diet programs. In fact, the study suggests that the mortality rate from cancer of men and women who follow the Mediterranean diet is an astonishing twenty-five percent less than the mortality rate of people who are involved in other dietary practices.

A significant number of people participated in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study. In fact, there were 22,000 people enrolled in the study in Greece alone.

While it is not conclusively demonstrated that the Mediterranean diet is effective at reducing the risks of all types of cancer, preliminary results of various research studies suggest that there may be no types of cancer that are left unaffected by this diet scheme. Indeed, historical evidence suggests that the incidents of all types of cancer in the Mediterranean Sea region is less than what is found in other areas around the world.

In order to enjoy the cancer reduction benefits of the Mediterranean diet, it is important that a person follow all of the dining regiments of the program. In other words, a person can not pick and choose the components of the Mediterranean diet that he or she might favor or enjoy. Rather, in order to obtain the full cancer reduction benefits of the Mediterranean diet, a person need to embrace all aspects of the regimen.

Statistics and research suggest that the longer a person follows the Mediterranean diet, the less of a risk of developing cancer such a person will face. In other words, the Mediterranean diet appears to have a cumulative effect on a person's health.

While researchers believe that it is the combination of elements that comprise the Mediterranean diet that reduce the risk of cancer, the program is particularly helpful in reducing the risk of this disease because it is low in saturated fat, high in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and low in fatty, red meats.

Keep in mind that while diet is proven to impact the incidence of cancer, other healthy living practices are also important. In this regard, a person should exercise regularly. Additionally, if you are a smoker, you need to quit.


By understanding the interrelationship between diet and disease, a person can take steps that may effectively reduce his or her risk of cancer, heart disease and other serious ailments. The Mediterranean diet is proving itself an effective method of reducing the risks of a number of different diseases, including various types of cancer.

About the Author

Site Owner & Publisher Ray Darken - You can gain much more detail from Ray's sites along with other relevant information at <a target="_blank" href="">The Mediterranean Diet or

