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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

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Health and WellbeingThe 8 Step Pathway to Health and Happiness

I am going to assume that you are interested in health ? to be more specific ? you are interested in your own health!

? You may have lost your health or are in a state of transition, ie you are sick and on the road to recovery.

? You may be in a financial bind ? you can?t afford the spiralling costs of the present medical care systems.

? You might just be sick and tired of being tired and sick.

? Or ? you might be one of the earnest people that are looking for the truth behind the real meaning of health and happiness ? without the hidden agendas of ?health marketing? as propounded by the pharmaceutical juggernaut.

Where do you go for satisfaction in your quest for your own personal health?

Unless you have been hiding your head under a bushel you will undoubtedly have realized that health is one of the most elusive goals in our society ? it is overshadowed by thousands upon thousands of disease symptoms and the never-ending quest for the elusive ?cure.?

Before we answer this conundrum, I?m going to ask you to put your thinking into reverse for a minute.

Instead of focusing on the causes of disease ? ask yourself the flip-side to this question - what are the causes of health?.

All life exists because of the pre-conditions that maintain it?s existence.

If the pre-conditions determine health then so be it.

If the pre-conditions determine ill-health then so be it.

The pre-conditions for the health and happiness of the human species will be found in the following eight categories.

1. A diet of living, live whole foods ? eaten in their natural state.

2. A supply of pure water - used for internal and external purposes.

3. Oxygenation of the blood with uncontaminated air.

4. Exposure to the life-giving radiations from the sun.

5. Exercise to maintain flexibility, strength and circulation.

6. Rest to allow the body to recuperate from it?s activities.

7. Harmony of thought in all matters.

8. Spinal integrity to ensure the free flow of nerve force throughout the body.

You can be assured that if you apply these 8 principles to your daily lifestyle the result will be Health and Happiness.

But remember, Philosophy is one thing and Practise is another.

All the best in putting the preconditions necessary for health together in your own lifestyle.


Kevin Hinton is a renowned Natural Health Educator & Advocator who has assisted a broad range of people to reinvigorate their lives through common-sense Natural Health practices.
He is a trusted advisor to many in the corporate world in Australia and North America who recognize the life-improving value of Natural Health habits.
His experience in the field reveals that adopting practical Natural Health habits usually helps drive success in other areas of life.
Visit Kevin at: and sign up for a FREE world class newsletter.

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