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Monday, May 12, 2008

More Great Natural Healing Resources.

Natural HealingThe Modern Warrior Diet

Excerpt from Ori's website

"What is the Warrior Diet?

The Warrior Diet is based on a daily feeding cycle of "undereating" during the day and "overeating" at night. The "Undereating Phase" during the day maximizes the Sympathetic Nervous System's (SNS) fight or flight reaction to stress, thereby promoting alertness, generation of energy, fat burning and the capacity to endure stress.

Ori Hofmekler, the creator of this Diet says Diets fail for two major reasons:

- Most diets ignore the biological time factor
- Most diets disregard human instinct "

Tou can read up on Ori's diet at his website, but essentialy it's what a SUMO Wrestler does
to get FAT! They eat nothing and drink fluids throughout the day, then have one GIANT meal of everything at night. My friend put on 50 lbs of FAT in 8 weeks. You still want to try this diet?

Welcome to my Modern Warrior Diet.

My Modern Warrior Diet focuses on:

  • 5-6 smaller meals which equates to better absorption by the body and greater satiation.
  • Combining Proteins, with Fats and Complex Carbs which equates to getting all your muscle sparing macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients from the all essential food groups. This is the real definition of a full meal.
  • Combining the right Proteins, Fats and Carbs also slows the breakdown of the foods for better digestion.
  • Insulin Levels are more stable throughout the day. There are no mood swings or sleepy afternoons.
  • Eating 5-6 smaller meals will help you with portion control.
  • Portion Control will help you count calories easily.
  • Planned meal times. Human Instinct is controlled by Feelings and in today's society most people are not aware that feelings control how much they eat, and people overeat driven by their feelings with disregard to planned meal times.
  • Using BMR to calculate the minimal amount of calories to ingest.
  • To build muscle, strength and lose fat, you need to speed your metabolism. Most people's metabolism are close to shutting down from in-frequent meals or caloric feeding under their BRM. Starting a Warrior Diet would not be advisable, since you starve yourself more, then overfeed at night. When this happens, your body senses the change in energy and will quickly store it as fat in order to protect itself from starvation and muscle loss.
  • You can determine your Basal Metabolic Rate with a simple calculation. BMR is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment, in the post-absorptive state (meaning that the digestive system is inactive, which requires about twelve hours of fasting in humans).

By increasing your metabolic rate throughout the day, you increase your detoxification ability, absorbption rate of nutrients, energy, anabolic growth, and your ability to burn fat as a fuel. In conclusion, you don't want to starve yourself during the day, because most people re already doing that and it will put you closer to metabolic shutdown which takes 4 weeks of a regualr baseline diet just to get you out of it.

For more information about the Modern Day Warrior Diet, checkout my website.

Robert Lagana

Robert Lagana has been weight training and helping people for over 16 years. He has competed in numerous bodybuilding competitions and is a multi-title winner. He currently holds the 2006 Mr. Canada Natural Bodybuilding title in the NFSO & IFSB. Along with experience, He teaches natural muscular development as a therapeutic approach.

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