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Friday, April 04, 2008

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Raw Food DietDiets For Weight Loss And Good Health

More and more, people now turn to their ?Diet? not only to lose weight but also to cure or alleviate other ?Health Issues?.

Remember ?What We Eat? affects our ?Weight Loss Issues? and most of our ?Health Issues? more than anything excepting environment, which is another matter!

To Start Off

Might You Agree With The Following Statements?

1/ Most "faddy diets" Do Not Work Long Term!

2/ You Are What You Eat!

3/ Where The Mind Goes The Body Will Follow!

To Clarify The Three Statements Above I Would Say This.

1/ In our heart of hearts we know, especially if you have tried one, that ?Faddy Diets? do not usually work long term. Why? Well, mostly, it?s motivation or should I say the lack of it, plus, some deprivation diets are not all that palatable, and some just don't work. Whatever the regime, you start with good intentions and you lose weight, but after you have shed a few pounds you lose the impetus and when you return to your normal eating habits the weight comes right back. Has that happened to you?

2/ We keep hearing that old saying ?You Are What You Eat?, but think about it, it?s true! Where do you find the most obese people in the world? Is it in the poorer countries where only the "staple diet" like Fruit and Vegetables, Potatoes and Rice are eaten or is it in the more prosperous countries where we are teased with great tasting food that is laced with sugar and saturated fats along with sugar filled drinks? It shouldn?t surprise you to find that the incidence of Heart Disease, Stroke and Digestive Disorders all follow the same geographical locations.

3/ Where The Mind Goes The Body Will Follow! If your thoughts are constantly on loosing weight, if you have a burning desire to be thin, then you probably will be, given time. On the other hand if you constantly desire or out of habit, regularly eat saturated fatty food, then you will be Over-Weight or if you like FAT, sorry but true!

Thankfully there are some simple common sense, tried and tested, but most importantly, successful ways of loosing weight! Remember there is no "One Size Fits All" weight los program out there, and what will work for some, will not work for others.

The Correct Psychology With Any Weight Loss Program Is Paramount!

Psychology Who? Ok, I'll put it a different way. How do you loose pounds of fat and maintain the weight loss long term without the correct psychological mindset?

The Answer To The Above Question Is Where Most Diets FAIL!

However the answer is simple. Without the correct psychological mindset you probably won't! What's more when it all goes wrong, as it usually does, you will more than likely regain the weight that you lost and then some! Been There? Worn the T-Shirt?

Common Sense Should Tell Us That Most Diets Have Something Missing. The Psychology!

Tragic as it is, millions of people world wide, go through the pain of dieting (notice the first 3 letters in diet spell DIE!) but isn't it the case that people, regardless of the time of year, resolve to loose weight only to give up in two weeks, three weeks or a month.

Now def"eat"ed in battle we then wait until next January 1 or the latest fad diet to emerge that might tempt us yet again to run the gauntlet.

So, How Can We Halt This Process? What Is The Trick To Successful Weight Loss?

Let?s forget food for a few seconds and get down to basics. Have you ever wondered what are the driving forces that make you decide on one course of action rather than another? The psychology perhaps?

A good example here might be: Why did you choose to eat that Yummy Cream Cake instead of that Healthy Salad?

It?s not just food, you know! This driving force affects most aspects of our daily life! Ultimately, it is something that we want to ?avoid? and something that we ?desire to attain?.

Is this man talking in riddles? Ok here it is!

The Psychology Of PAIN and PLEASURE

Most decisions, no matter how large or small, have pain or pleasure attached to it to some degree. Nothing in life is Black or White just shades of Grey and this applies to pain and pleasure.

For instance, talking food again, you might ?eat that cream cake? because of the immediate pleasure and push aside the pain, which would come later because of the extra unwanted weight.

Another example might be a choice between the "Cream Cake" (pleasure), or the ?Double Choc, with strawberry and vanilla topped, Gateaux? (ultimate pleasure). Get my drift on Psychology?

Understandably, avoiding pain takes precedence over seeking pleasure. For instance, if the choice on offer were either ?a yummy cream cake? (desire to gain pleasure), or ?fill in your tax returns before they remove your furniture? (avoid pain) which one would you choose? I think the cake might stay in the refrigerator until this pain was avoided!

How Does This Psychology Apply To Me?

Simply put, you will either go for the pleasure, and eat the cream cake, the large steak and fries, or you will avoid the pain by changing your mindset.

How To Change The Psychological Mindset And Why?

Let examine someone who feels they are moderately over weight, you know, not too fat, the old clothes still fit but thinks: should I go on a weight loss plan? What do you think? Are they likely to give up the pleasure of food, Mmm?

Now, this same person has been over indulging for several months and the story is now different, very different!

The cloths don?t fit. His belly now rolls over the top of his trousers and his partner (being politically correct) has just said ?Fred (I love the Flintstones) you are getting as fat as a pig, why can?t you look like Barney, that nice thin chap next door?".

Wow!! PAIN!!

Another plate of ?Dino-Ribs? sir? er I think not!

So what does Fred do? Simple, what we all do! The psychological pain of being fat motivates us to start to lose some weight, we then start to look and feel better, and guess what? The PAIN subsides and we loose the motivation to continue and we get back on the merry-go-round once more and seek the Pleasure found in food! Whoops, there goes the day!

You! Must Control The Motivation Behind Pain And Pleasure Or It Will Control You!

In this life there is not a lot that we have total control over. The Weather, the Stock Market, the Price of Food etc.

What we do have is ultimate control over what our minds focus on, the psychology. If our focus is in the wrong direction then we can expect results contrary to what we desire. For instance: If we see the consumption of food as extreme pleasure and perceive a low calorie diet as pain then we will not achieve our goal. But if we can train our minds to think differently then losing weight can take on an whole new meaning.

Ok, you have had it with the tight clothes, the snide remarks of ?Fatty?, the mirror on the bedroom wall and you need a way out. What if you could associate not pain with dieting but pleasure, how might that feel? Conversely, if you now associated pain with being fat, might that put a new slant on things?

Say, all of a sudden, you now associate dieting as the ultimate pleasure and conversely you believe not loosing weight as pain, then this might help.

It's not easy, but you can change your mindset if you try. There are lots of publications on Psychology that will guide you and supercharge your motivation so that you can achieve your goal.

As for "What Weight Loss Program" should you choose? The answer is simple. If it is a balanced diet and includes some exercise and more importantly You Like It then that is the regime for you! The rest is down to how you approach the next few weeks and months and how you have adjusted, or not, your mindset.

As a starter, JUICE any fruit or vegetable and replace everything that you might eat AM with the fresh juice. If you are still hungry then juice one less apple and eat it or have a banana (do not try to juice bannanas, the juicer dose not like bananas!). In the PM eat normally but watch the size of the portions.


Below are some weight related health issues that might be of interest!

For Acid Reflux And Related Illnesses Try:

For Arthritis Try:

For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD) Try:

Raw Food Diet TopicsFreeplay Rechargeable Radios

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3 incredible diets

Fri, 4 Apr 2008 04:53:09 CST
Atkins, the Zone, the Beverly Hills Diet, the Blood Type Diet, the Japanese Diet, the French Women Don't Get Fat Diet, the Baby Food Diet, the Sardine Diet, ...

Wheatgrass Sprouters
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Holistic Healing article

Wheatgrass JuicingExercise Nutrition: How To Keep Your Energy Up

How many times has this happened to you?

>> You psych yourself up mentally (you are GOING to do it!)

>> You don the outfit (you can practically feel the energy flowing through your veins!)

>> You lace up the running shoes (Nike: Just Do It - thats you.)

>> You grab your towel (because ANYONE SERIOUS needs a towel).

Then its time.

Its time to sweat. Its time to burn the evil fat from your body. You face the treadmill (or stair climber, or rowing machine, or exercise video with the perky aerobics instructor on it).

And you start.

You warm up, and start moving faster and faster. The sweat starts to pour. The blood is pumping. Man, you are burning! That size 2 exercise instructor is going to look like a whale compared to you when you get through!

The adrenaline hits your blood and you feel GREAT! You could exercise forever! In fact maybe you will exercise forever!

Your time winds down. Ok, maybe youd better slow down, no sense in going TOO crazy here. The cool down sure feels good. You turn off the treadmill, or the exercise video and head to the shower.

Then it hits you.


You feel like you want to die, or at least sleep for about 12 hours. You go through the day craving anything you can easily grab: anything edible or, depending on how good it looks, anything at all. Nutritional value? Who cares!

But nothing seems to satisfy you and you could swear that youve just eaten all the calories you burned during exercise PLUS more!

What was the point in exercising at all if you go through your day tired and eating everything in sight? It was just a waste of your time and a stress on your body for nothing right?

Well, not necessarily, not if you can learn from it. Here's how to avoid the above experience when exercising:

1) Check Your Hydration Levels

(I know not really excitingbut it will do wonders!!)

The average adult loses 10-12 cups of water a day (thats not including water we lose from exercise, caffeine, etc).

Its estimated that approx 75% of North Americans are chronically dehydrated. And even MILD dehydration will slow down ones metabolism as much as 3%.

And heres the key, all you exercisers: Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue!!!! Unfortunately this fatigue often gets mistaken for hunger and we eat more than we need in a desperate effort to get that water back into our bodies.

What can you do?

Before your workout: drink 1-2 glasses of water

During your workout: Have about -1 cup of water for every 20 minutes of exercise

After your workout: Have at least 3 cups of water in the hour after you exercise.

2) Check Your Pre-workout Nutrition

Since you want energy over the long haul, your best bet is to try having some complex carbs before you exercise (like oatmeal, whole wheat toast, or whole wheat crackers).

Some people prefer to get their carbohydrate from fruit also, it depends on what works for you.

Try to combine this with a little bit of protein (like peanut butter on your whole wheat toast, or a couple slices of cheese with your apple). Try different combos and see what gives you the most energy.

3) During your workout:

If your workout is under an hour: Make sure you keep drinking that water and continue to listen to your body.

If you want to go more than an hour you should try eating 25 to 30 grams of carbohydrate every half hour (i.e. From sports bars, fruits or whole grains).

If you are exercising for more than 3 hours you should consider sipping a sports drink to replace lost electrolytes. Both sports drinks and energy bars help to maintain your blood sugar levels and prevent muscle glycogen (energy) depletion

4) After exercise:

Keep drinking that water! (See above) You also want to refuel with carbohydrates as soon as you can after exercise (toast, bagel, fruits, oatmeal, etc.)

Your body not only needs to refuel but it also needs to rebuild with some protein since intense exercise involves the breakdown of muscle tissue.

Some possible snacks are: Peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat toast, cottage cheese mixed with fruit, scrambled eggs with whole wheat toast.

The most important thing is to pay attention to your body and feel what works for you as you exercise. If you feel light-headed or dizzy or in pain at any time during exercise stop! Respect your body and what it tells you.

Hopefully the next time you decide to face the treadmill (or the exercise video) youll be able to feel great both during AND after you exercise.

Youll be able to feel as if youve made your body better and stronger, by feeding it and exercising it and keeping that energy up!

About the author:
Kathryn O'Neill is a contributing writer for

For the latest weight loss tips and free diet reviews, visit:

Wheatgrass JuicingKids can turn trash to treasure with Earth Day crafts (The Daily Dispatch)

Thu, 03 Apr 2008 21:26:22 GMT
To honor Earth Day in kids’ crafting, one really needs to think trash. This is no time for going heavy on the non-recyclable doodads, such as pipe cleaners and pom-poms, in our art projects.

General Health Info

Sat, 29 Mar 2008 19:47:21 EDT
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 00:45:12 EDT ) Sells a good selection of seeds for sprouting and also stocks the Beingfare Salad Sprouter, sprouting jars, a manual wheatgrass j uicer and books. ... Sun, 09 Mar 2008 06:42:24 EDT . . hard part about that is just looking and finding the juices....Fri, 14 Mar 2008 07:20:59 EDT The Samson is good at juicing greens so I wouldn't need to keep the manual wheatgrass juicer out which would free up some space in t he kitchen. . . ..... . . Like the Orange Juicer and the Carrot Juicer. . as well as the Wheatgrass juicer....

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