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Monday, March 31, 2008

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Natural RemediesHealthy Chicken Recipes

People strive to find recipes that provide delicious and healthy food. Health-conscious people focus on preparing low-fat dishes that are delicious and easily prepared. Chicken is an excellent source of protein and at the same time low in fat. Using healthy chicken recipes will significantly lower the blood cholesterol, thereby improving your overall health and fitness level. People love this versatile meat, which can be prepared in various lip-smacking forms.

Be it a healthy chicken salad or any other chicken recipe, choosing the right chicken for your dish is very important .If you opt for the cheap battery-reared chicken, you will get a greasy and stringy dish with a flat taste. These chickens are fed on a high-calorie diet that gives them a lot of fat but no muscle. On the other hand, choosing an organic chicken will give you firm and full-flavored meat. Organic birds are raised on a better diet and roam free under better and more humane conditions. This chicken will obviously cost more but will give you better taste and quality.

To further decrease the level of fat, you can trim off some areas, especially on the thighs, and enjoy a healthier meal. You should never leave raw chicken at room temperature. To prevent contamination, always wash chicken with cold water. Store it in the coldest part of the refrigerator and use within two days. Similarly, cooked chicken shouldn?t be left out for more than two hours. Frozen chicken can easily sit in your freezer for one year without any harm.

A little creativity in your kitchen can whip up new low-fat and healthy chicken recipes for your entire family. If you cannot find a particular ingredient, try replacing it with some substitute and see the all-new dish prepared exclusively by you. While preparing food, follow basic safety rules and avoid accidents in your kitchen. This will ensure you safely prepare tasty meals for everyday consumption focused towards a healthy and long life.



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Local companies attend natural foods expo, which kicked off Thursday in Anaheim. Everything from organic baby food to naturally raised Angus beef are on display.

Natural HealingLow Salt Diets

In my opinion salt free diets are amongst the worst type of diets there are. I like my food to be properly salted and spiced before I eat. This doesn?t mean that I liberally shake the salt shaker over my food every time I sit down to a meal. It just means that when I cook I add the right amount of salt for my food to taste good.

If I go to a restaurant I taste my food first to see whether I need a little added salt, I don?t go and start shaking the salt over my dish the minute it?s put in front of me. Now that?s a bad habit and will ruin even the most glorious dishes.

Unfortunately, for people who suffer from certain medical conditions they have no choice but to stick with these salt free diets. These conditions can include high blood pressure or hypertension as it can be called, kidney disease, impaired liver functions, and also people with heart problems.

People who are overweight should also stay away from too much salt intake. But if you suffer from something like a hypothyroid condition, or cystic fibrosis should not reduce your salt intake and therefore salt reduced diets would not be good for you. In the case of people with a hypothyroid condition iodized salt may be their only form of iodine and should not be stopped.

If you sweat a lot, or live in a hot and humid place then you shouldn?t really reduce your salt intake as your body will lose salt through your sweat. In actuality you really shouldn?t go on any salt free diets unless you?re instructed to by your doctor.

However if you are required to go on salt free diets there is still some hope left as it is mainly table salts that are bad for you. Salts, otherwise known as sodium, which don?t contain chloride like MSG, or baking soda are good for you.

You should also be able to include in your diet such foods as pastas, rice, oats, and fresh fruits and vegetables Additionally, although you should ideally stay away from pre-packaged and processed foods, you can look into the ones that are labeled "salt free", or "low sodium". These can fit very nicely into your salt free diets although you should always ask your doctor first before changing your diet.

If you are on low salt diets though there are some foods that you should really avoid and these can include processed meats, butter, most processed and pre-packaged foods, along with cereals, ketchup and cheese. Table salt is naturallyComputer Technology Articles, a no-no. You really wouldn?t want to blow your low salt diets by including this item into your meals!

Source: Free Articles from


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