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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lets talk about Quality Goji Berries

Quality Goji BerriesSafe Weight Loss with Healthy Snacking

Fact: whether it comes from fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. Fact: if you eat more calories than you use up, you will put on weight. It?s as simple as this - the amount of calories in must be equal to or less than the amount of calories out.

In these times of hectic, frenetic, busy daily lives, when we all are juggling a diversity of roles, it?s no wonder that healthy eating goes straight out of the window. Rushing to get to work, get the kids to school, to catch up with our work, going
to meetings, getting the domestic chores done etc, makes it easy to miss meals altogether and buy impulse junk food.

You can make it easier to be sure you get a wide variety of foods from all the food groups and follow a healthier eating plan if you use a little planning ahead. By snacking on healthy foods, you can, to a certain degree, overcome any harm you are doing to your body by not eating properly. Likewise, eating small meals throughout your day can help you provide stable nourishment for your body.

Food in its raw state, eaten as unprocessed as possible guarantees that you are getting the full extent of the vitamins and minerals since nothing will be destroyed by cooking. Heating modifies food molecules and destroys many nutrients and enzymes within your diet. Eating food which is raw obliges you to chew more, to break the food down. Doing this also sends signals to the digestive tract to produce just the right amount of digestive enzymes.

Another healthy eating tip is that where possible, try to grill or bake your food in rather than frying it. If you must fry or saut?, then use half the amount of fat called for in the recipe, giving preference to polyunsaturated fat oils.

Don?t forget that brown bread and rice is nutritionally superior to the white counterparts, containing higher amounts of fiber, minerals and other nutrients. Wholemeal bread is an top notch convenience food, so try to get your kids accustomed to brown bread in their earlier years, and avoid white bread altogether.

When it comes to drinks and hot beverages, you are almost overwhelmed for choices when it comes to the realm of herbal teas. It might not sound like your ?cup of tea? now, but don?t knock them until you?ve tried them. For coffee lovers there are even healthy coffee alternatives available, such as dandelion coffee. Make the switch to healthy snacking for safe weight loss in a busy day.

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